Hi all,
We are getting a bit overdue for our annual general meeting for Vancouver Masters Synchro. We are a society so as such, we need to hold an annual general meeting each year.
The executive has settled on Tuesday, March 7th at 8pm as our AGM time. It will take place over Zoom. Hopefully you can make it - we do require at least 25% of our eligible members to meet quorum so that it is valid under BC Societies Act.
Zoom link: I will re-send closer to the date, but here are the details:
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 917 4887 4175
Password: 039661
Please have a thought about whether you would like to be involved in the executive of the club for the future. We serve one-year terms and we can have up to 6 executive members on our board. We have up to three openings based on current board intent (I'm stepping down, Rhonda, Jen and Lise intend to stand for election again). Representation from all teams is also important - at the moment, we are lacking representation from Jordan's Gaga team. The time commitment is not overly onerous - we meet generally 1-3 times per year and mostly make decisions over email.