Hi all,
I'll be releasing the first batch of invoices this week. This invoice includes BC Artistic Swimming Registration Fee + the Club fee.
BCAS fee = $120.50 for competitive swimmers (includes both Canada and BC registration). Athletes who don't intend to compete are recreational athletes are it is about $35.45.
If you're registered as $35.45 and you end up competing, we have to upgrade you before the competition.
The Club fee consists of the various costs the club incurs as overhead: BCAS club registration fee, registration of coaches, banking fees, website hosting charges, head coach contract, equipment improvement fund contribution. This year the Club fee is $120 per swimmer. Competitive and recreational athletes pay the same club fee.
Next round of invoices will come in early December and will consist of the pool rental/coaching costs we incur as part of our weekly training.
If you have any questions, please email me at vmstreasurer@gmail.com