Hey Everyone,
I hope everyone had a relaxing weekend off and didn't mourn the cancelation of our competition too much. I have a few updates to share today: Novice lesson sets (reminder) and a Watershow!
First, our Novice Lesson Set starts THIS Sunday! The first session is free and a great opportunity for anyone in your life to learn synchro!! Here's the links to our social media posts and registration form in case you wanted to share but haven't yet:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/C17gYtzPr6L/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRIODBiNWFIZA==Â
Registration Form: https://forms.gle/nXsa6KBA9YEzzfai7
Second, we have an opportunity to join the UBC Spring Watershow this year. This is a really great opportunity to showcase our routines and also raise a bit of money for the club!
The show is taking place on Saturday, March 9th around 7pm at UBC. There will be a no-music warm-up before hand. Talk with your team, and we will be getting a pulse check on how many teams can attend in the coming weeks.
Finally, if you ordered merch (cap, shirt, tank top) I will be distributing it this week. Sorry for the delay in handing it out!
Thanks everyone, as per usual don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions/comments.