What a successful meet! This past weekend marked the first time this year the entire club has competed together this season. It was exciting and gratifying to have the support from such amazing club members and their cheering sections. VMS is the undisputed powerhouse of Masters Synchro in BC!
A huge thank you to all the friends and families who supported us through volunteering or just cheering their heads off.
A massive "You go, girl!" to all the wonderful athletes for powering through a tiring weekend with impressive swims.
And, of course, the biggest possible show of appreciation (bowing, kow towing, military salute - not sure which position shows the appropriate amount of gratitude) to the best coaches in the sport - Jordan, Christina, Heather and Zara. You make us what we are; we are so thankful for the endless work you do on our behalf.
In case you missed any of the excitement from the weekend, here's a quick recap (results for Masters haven't been released yet):
Rec Team: The team was successful in getting more competition under their belts and this was the first time competing for Amy! Highlights include maintaining focus and working as a group to support and encourage each other.
Red Squad: The biggest achievement was the individual improvements made from Regionals to Provincials. Highlights include accurate patterns and pool coverage, even with the long shallow section!
Black Squad: The team was focused as a group and in the competitive zone, looking and feeling ready to compete! Highlights include accurate patterns and great transitions between them.
White Squad: What a debut! The team did great at showing energy and presentation - drawing the audience and judges in. Highlights include cohesiveness as a group and great patterns.
Ashley & Rebecca Duet: The duo were able to present changes in both routines, upping the content in tech which was acknowledged by the judges. Highlights include swimming was a unit and maintaining the closeness to one another.
Meghan and Erin Duet: This was the new tech debut! Their elements were well executed & the routine was met with great feedback from the judges. Highlights include presenting a new version of free with fabulous presentation.
See everyone at the special club practice this Sunday!