Hi everyone,
Looking forward to swimming more than once a week! Starting this week we are swimming in our teams.
If you are on white or black team, you are swimming Tuesday nights and Sundays! See you at Britannia pool 9:15pm for dryland and then we're in the pool 9:45pm-10:45pm (in the future we will likely extend to 11pm to allow for a bit more run-through time for both teams).
If you are swimming on red team, you swim Wednesday nights and Sundays! See you at Britannia pool tomorrow 9:15pm for dryland and then in the pool 9:45pm-10:45pm.
If you haven't swum at Britannia before, you can usually enter directly onto the pool deck - look for the door propped open... otherwise, you can come in via the front desk - just say you're here for synchro and they'll buzz you through the change rooms.
If you haven't already done so please bring Rhonda a cheque for $175 - this helps to cover initial pool rental costs and synchro BC registration. Cheques are payable to Vancouver Masters Synchro (or you can email vmstreasurer@gmail.com = include $1 extra to cover bank charges and the password should be Britannia).
Let me know if you have any questions!